Words and Images Courtesy of Williamsburg Area Arts Commission
Williamsburg, VA – The Williamsburg Area Arts Commission is now accepting applications for
Fiscal Year 2024 funding.
Area arts and cultural organizations that are registered as tax-exempt non-profits are eligible to
apply for special projects or general operating support. The deadline for submissions is 4 p.m.
Thursday, Dec. 1, 2022. All details, including the WAAC application, grant guidelines and
criteria, can be found online.
“Arts and culture are important elements in area-wide community life. Citizens both expect and
appreciate efforts to provide cultural and arts appreciation opportunities,” WAAC Chair Thomas
Phelps said. “To fulfill this aim, the WAAC encourages organizations to apply for support from
the commission so that arts may flourish in the area.”
The WAAC is funded in partnership by the City of Williamsburg and James City County, plus a
state grant from the Virginia Commission for the Arts. WAAC serves at the pleasure of the City
and James City County in supporting excellence in the arts as it administers a grant application
program for non-profit arts organizations.
Further information on the Fall Forum and the Arts Commission are available at